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Working on this article at the moment: Fail, Sepher

Every time the Tree of Life gets three levels up on your main palace you will get a pearl.

You can share a pearl with another magician, so you both lose your pearl and get a rune. You can only share a pearl with the same magician once. If you keep your pearls, they won't be of use for anything, because they're only there to be traded.

You'll find a detailed overview of your previous trades in your profile.

Trading pearls

Pearls OfferTrade.png
Pearls MadeApplication.png

You can offer a pearl to another magician if you press the "offer trade" button in his profile. If he accepts the trade, each of you will lose one pearl and get a rune.

Hint: You can only trade one pearl with each magician.

The other player won't get an automatic message, so you should send him a message if you offer him a trade.

You can find trading partners in the forum in the category Trade.

Manage pearl exchange

Link for pearl management screen

You'll find the function manage pearl exchange in your profile.

It shows you:

  • your recent pearl-exchanges
  • pending offers
  • your actual offer to another magician