Dwarfworld Will-O-Wisps

From Xhodon 2
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Attack: 3
Defense: 3
Life Force: 24
Speed: 4 tpa
Points: 1
No Strengths
No Weaknesses
Creature is not convertible

The origin of the stray lights is completely unknown. You may see it wandering over a lake or dancing through the woods, setting fire to any tree it passes. In human eyes it is just a light, but whole hordes were destroyed by its fire. Some hordes just disappeared, no-one knows, how the stray lights managed that. The most knowledgeable magicians believe, that the stray light is actually a being for it self - often they associate it with a mysterical being, that old stories tell of: It is supposed so have a sceleton-like body, which has blue skin tight to itself. It is also supposed to have an ectoplasmaball in it's middle, it's arms are like those of an armor and end in four claws, which have tentacle-like fingers on their ends. The legs are supposed to end in three claws and the head is deformed and has a single, red glowing eye.