Dwarfworld Scarabs

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Attack: 2
Defense: 2
Life Force: 16
Speed: 4 tpa
Points: 1
No Strengths
No Weaknesses
Creature is not convertible

The scarab was a mystical animal as far back as man can remember. It fascinated humanity, that you could find scarabs in any color - white, green, gold or any other color you could think of. So humanity concluded, that the scarab was a holy animal, and to get closer to their gods, they started using scarabs on ceremonies. But scarabs didn't understand the constant attention, that was given to them, and some started to see this as an attack. Unluckily, a lot of others imitated their views and within a short time scarabs started to attack any one who passed them - Oldies, adults and even children. The scarabs started to build an empire in the desert, where no one could harm them and where they could harm any one passing; Tradesmen, Magicians or whole hordes.