Dwarfworld Snake Neck Dragons

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Snake Neck Dragons
Snake Neck Dragons
Attack: 200
Defense: 200
Life Force: 1200
Speed: 5 tpa
Points: 50
No Strengths
No Weaknesses
Creature is not convertible

With an overall length of 55 meters, the snake-necked dragon is probably the largest, non-legendary creature in the world. In the heights of Xhodon, he feels at home and powerful. His long neck, deep black eyes, his two side horns and his gray or green scales give power, superiority and powerful defences against Magic. Although it terms of size, should actually be an easy target, it is hunters and mages that have a hard time finding him, especially at sunrise and sunset. If the snake-necked dragon was once involved in a fight, he can fall back on his most powerful weapon, a deadly acid jet which decomposes even armor, which were covered with the most powerful spells in the world. In the chronicles of the time it is written:.. "The Snake-necked dragon is both one of the most dangerous creatures, and the purest, for he is a direct descendant of the original dragon Ladekh and Madihu. How it came about that this form originated from the Dragon, no one can know, because very few beings in this world are old enough to know the answer, and these are the dragons themselves, but her secrets are kept good and so is the history of dragons as mysterious as the magic.