Battle Example
This article will help you understand the Battle System better. The calculations are not exact, as exact values for certain elements are not yet known. The example was staged by the players Nix and badschibo.
Note that this is not a concise explanation but a detailed breakdown of a battle report for players who are more interested in the details.
[hide]The Battle Report
We will analyse the following battle report:
You attacked at xx:xx:xx
You were Victorious
Hero vernichtung of dichtung Experience: 552
Creatures | Before | After | Lost |
Unicorn Cart | 50 | 42 | 8 |
Goblins | 200 | 34 | 166 |
Palace kraftort of kraftstein (X:X:X)
Hero kraftbein of kraftstein (X:X:X) Experience: 552
Creatures | Before | After | Lost |
Goblins | 180 | 82 | 98 |
The other player's hero's stats will usually not be known to you. Here are the heroes used for this battle:
Hero Attacker: Attack: 4 Defense: 0 Life Force: 0
Hero Defender: Attack: 0 Defense: 4 Life Force: 0
The following calculations explain only the battle's first round.
Damage Determination
The attacker and the defenders' creatures always attack at the same time. Their damage done is subtracted from the enemy creatures' Life Force.
Attacking creatures' damage: Attack = Creature's attack value + Hero bonus = 200 * 1 + Bonus (8%) = 200 + 16 = 216
The defender gets an additional bonus from their Crystal Tower:
Defending creatures' damage: Defense = Creatures' defense value + Hero bonus + Tower bonus + Damage done by tower = 180 * 1 + Bonus (10%) + Bonus (1%) + 1 * 80 = 180 + 18 + 1.8 + 80 = 279.80
This is the damage done by each side in the first battle round. As only Goblins are used, this was rather easy to calculate. The battle system actually calculates the damage for each type of creatures seperately.
Life Force Determination
The damage is now subtracted from each side's Life Force. For this, the battle system first calculates the fractions each type of creatures makes up from the army's total Life Force. Depending on this, greater or lower percentages of the received damages are directed to a creature type.
Unicorn Carts and Dragon Eggs are exceptions here. Only 10% of their actual Life Force is used to calculate their fraction of the total Life Force.
Attacking creatures' Life Force: Army's Life Force = Goblins' Life Force + Hero Bonus + Unicorn Carts' Life Force + Hero bonus = 200 * 25 + Bonus (0%) + 50 * 20 + Bonus (0%) = 5000 + 0 + 1000 + 0 = 6000
To calculate the Unicorn Carts' share of the received damage, a different number is used. As said, only 10% of the Unicorn Carts' Life Force is included.
Life Force for damage distrbution = 200 * 25 + (50 * 20) * 0.1 = 5000 + 100 = 5100
Have a look at this example:
- Example for damage distribution
Let's say you have 10 Goblins and 10 Children of Power who receive a total of 100 damage from the enemy army. This damage is now distributed among your army as follows (this is where creatures' advantages over other types of creatures kick in):
Total Life Force = Goblins' Life Force + Children of Powers' Life Force = 10 * 25 + 10 * 15 = 250 + 150 = 400
Damage distributed to the Goblins:
Damage Goblins = Total damage * Goblins' Life Force / Total Life Force = 100 * 250 / 400 = 62.50 (* Advantage)
Damage distributed to the Children of Power:
Damage Children of Power = Total damage * Children of Powers' Life Force / Total Life Force = 100 * 150 / 400 = 37.50 (* Advantage)
If, for example, all of the 100 total damage was done by Ice Warriors, the damage distributed to your Children of Power would get doubled: 37.5 * 2 = 75.
Defending creatures' Life Force: Army's Life Force = Goblins' Life Force + Hero bonus + Stone Mantle bonus = 180 * 25 + Bonus (0%) + Bonus (0%) = 4500 + 0 + 0 = 4500
Life Force Reduction
Now that each army's total life force and each creature type's percentage of it have been calculated, the next step is actually subtracting the damage received.
The attacking army suffers 279,80 damage which gets distributed among the two creature types:
Damage directed to Goblins = Damage * Goblins' Life Force / Total Life Force = 279.80 * (200*25 + Bonus(0%)) / 5100 = 274.31
Lost Goblins = Damage directed / (Goblin's Basic Life Force + Bonuses) = 274.31 / (25 + Bonus (0%)) = 274.31 / 25 = 10.97
After the first battle round, the attacker will have 200 - 10,97 = 189,03 Goblins left.
Damage directed to Unicorn Carts = Damage * 10% * Unicorn Cart's Life Force / Total Life Force = 279.80 * 0.1 * 50 * (20 + Bonus (0%)) / 5100 = 279.80 * 100 / 5100 = 5.49
Lost Unicorn Carts = 5.49 / (20 + Bonus (0%)) = 5.49 / 20 = 0.27
After the first battle round, the attacker will have 50 - 0.27 = 49.73 Unicorn Carts left.
The defending army suffers 216 damage total. As only one creature type is present, of course all damage is directed at this one.
Lost Goblins = Damage directed at Goblins / Goblin's Life Force = 216 / 25 = 8.64
Therefore, the defender has 180 - 8.64 = 171.36 remaining Goblins after round 1.
Please note: |
You can imagine the decimals to be "injured" creatures. Just like normal rounding, creatures "injured" by more than 50% die. |
Further Rounds
This concludes the first battle round - the attacker lost 10.97 Goblins and 0.27 Unicorn Carts while the defender lost 8.64 Goblins. Don't round yet - only after the last round, any creature with less than 50% of their Life Force left dies.
The battle continues like this until one side has only 30% of their initial Life Force left.