Battle report
After a battle, all participating players receive a battle report via private message. The inbox icon changes to a burning scroll if there are new battle reports.
Battle reports are structured as follows.
This section shows when and where the battle took place and whether you were defending or attacking.
Victory or defeat image
There will be a different image depending on the battle's outcome from your point of view.
Attacker data
Below there is a list of all hordes on the attacking side. These always start with the hero's name, owner and gained experience and then go on with the horde information. If the hero received Conversion or Revivification, it will be displayed in or below the table.
Raided resources
The amount of resources a hero raided and is now carrying in their Unicorn Carts is displayed immediately below the horde table.
Defender data
This section is strucured just like the attacker data (see above), but for the defending side.
Looted ingredients
In case the battle was against a Sentinel, here you can see what ingredients you have looted from the sentinel.
And, at the very end, you will find a "Delete" and an "Archive" button to delete the message or move it to your archive respectively.